Tuesday 20 November 2012

Ginger fruit smoothie | 姜与蔬果新搭配

Ginger has a long tradition of being very effective in alleviating symptoms of stomach pain, nausea and diarrhoea. It is not only superior in flavor but contains higher levels of gingerol; a powerful antioxidant compound which acts as an anti-inflammatory in the body. If you are wondering how to use ginger, it's very easy to use for cooking. Since it is both fibrous and rich in juice and oils, it is suitable for making juice and ginger fruit smoothie. 


 1 cold kiwi fruit
3 cold apples 
4 slices ginger
6 cold cherry tomatoes 
1 teaspoons raisins
1 teaspoons granular lecithin
splash of water

1. Flavour: Sweet apple kiwi with a little spicy kick. 
2. Texture : Thick and a bit creamy.
3. Nutrition Value: Very high antioxidant compounds. Good for the stomach and digestive system.
4. Average Rating:

“姜是吃的萬能藥” 有提到70%的汉方制剂都含有姜, 在科學的方式解析姜具有健胃、抗潰瘍、鎮吐、促進腸的蠕動運動、胃腸內的殺菌、強心、鎮咳、去痰、鎮痛、鎮靜、解毒、抗菌、改善低血壓 、降血壓及多种作用。


姜。。。。。。。。。3 ~ 4小片
冷冻奇異果 (Kiwi) 。。1粒
冷冻小番茄。。。。。 6粒
颗粒卵磷脂/大豆卵磷脂。。。。。1茶匙 (Granular Lechitin)
水。。。。。。。。。。少许 (帮助搅碎Blending)

做法:把以上的材料放入混合器 (Blender) 搅碎后就可以喝了!


1) 这沙冰会辣吗?
答: 味道会有点姜辣味,不过喝了过后觉得蛮舒服、暖胃的。若怕辣,可以把姜片减少于1-2片。

2) 如果不放葡萄干和颗粒卵磷脂/大豆卵磷脂可以吗?
 答: 不放葡萄干和颗粒卵磷脂也可以,一般上如果苹果不是很甜,我都会加少许葡萄干增添一些甜味。 而不加颗粒卵磷脂也不会影响沙冰的整体味道。

3) Granular lecithin 有什么作用吗??去哪里买得到?
答: 颗粒卵磷脂 或 大豆卵磷脂 (Granular lecithin or lecithin) 是素食三宝其中一宝。常食用卵磷脂可以帮助身体细胞生长,特别对指甲、和头发健康成长很有帮助!也有研究显示常吃卵磷脂可以促进头脑发育,和预防肝脏和心 脏疾病。 这是其中一个参考: http://www.livestrong.com/article/273790-what-are-the-benefits-of-soy-lecithin-granules/
可以在很多健康食品店或有机食品店都能买到Granular lecithin。 

References :
1) WHfoods: Ginger
2) 姜是吃的萬能藥

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