Sunday, 28 October 2012

Wheatgrass smoothie | 小麦草沙冰

Wheatgrass is the grass of young wheat plants. It is one of the superfood that is packed with highly concentrated chlorophyll, minerals, vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients. Wheatgrass is more than 20 times denser in nutrients than other vegetables. it has more vitamin C than oranges and twice the vitamin A as carrots, over 90 minerals (potassium, calcium, magnesium and sodium), 19 amoino acids, and superoxide dismutase enzyme for lessen the effect of radiation and slow down aging process.


handful of organic Wheatgrass 
 1 banana
5 cherry tomatoes

1 cold dragon fruit 
1/2 cup frozen organic blueberries
1 teaspoons granular lecithin
splash of water 

Yum, so good!

有机的小麦草。。 1把
香蕉 。。。。。1条
冷冻小番茄 。。。5粒
冷冻龙珠果。。。 1粒
冷冻蓝莓。。。。 半杯
颗粒卵磷脂。。。 1茶匙

只有把以上的材料放入混合器 (Blender) 搅碎后就可以喝了!

1) Nutrition facts of Wheatgrass: here
2) Energise Alkaline Diet & Natural Health Blog: Wheatgrass benefits

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

快乐- 其实可以很简单


Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Art and Nature

It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to,
the feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures

-- Vincent Willem van Gogh


Thursday, 18 October 2012

Organic bak choy smoothie | 养生小白菜沙冰

Bok choy can be eaten raw in salads, it provides abundant amounts of vitamins A, C, K, folate, as well as antioxidant phytochemicals (kaempferol), which act as anti-cancer agents. Bak Choy is excellent sources of Calcium, it is lower in oxalate, a substance that binds up calcium and prevents it from being absorbed. Recent study shown that 54% of the calcium in bak choy can be absorbed by the human body compare to 5% in spinach (high oxalate vegetable), and 32% milk.


2 bunches organic bak choy 
 1 banana
3 cherry tomatoes
1 cold dragon fruit 
1 teaspoons granular lecithin
1 teaspoons ground flax seed 
  8 spirulina tablets 
splash of water 

Enjoy! =)

新鲜的小白菜营养丰富,含有高抗癌成分-kaempferol, 它的钙质比起牛奶更容易被人体吸收小白菜的味道会有点涩和苦, 所以做小白菜沙冰或菜汁最好搭配一些甜的水果。 以下就是我最喜欢的小白菜沙冰食谱:


香蕉 。。。。。1条
小番茄 。。。。。3粒
冷冻龙珠果。。。 1粒
颗粒卵磷脂。。。 1茶匙
亚麻籽粉。。。。 1茶匙
绿藻。。。。。。 8 粒

做法: 把以上的材料放入混合器 (Blender) 搅碎后就可以喝了。


1. Luo H et al. Kaempferol inhibits angiogenesis and VEGF expression through both HIF dependent and independent pathways in human ovarian cancer cells. Nutr Cancer. 2009;61(4):554-63.

2.  Fertilizing crops to improve human health: A scientific review. Volume 2, functional foods. Free online copy here

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Dragon fruit and tomato smoothie

Dragon fruits are high in antioxidants, which help to fight carcinogenic free-radicals from forming in the body. In addition, they are a good source of Vitamin C, and are rich in minerals, especially calcium and phosphorus. Aside from its nutritional content, the fruit is also said to help excrete heavy metal toxins from the body and lower cholesterol and blood pressure. Dragon fruits are also known to be a natural laxative.

Cherry tomatoes are an excellent source of vitamins A, C, E and K. They also contain important minerals such as magnesium and potassium. Tomatoes also contain lycopene, which studies suggest can reduce your risk for various types of cancer, especially prostate cancer.


 1 banana
5 cherry tomatoes
1 cold dragon fruit 
1 bunch organic lettuce 
1 teaspoons granular lecithin
1 teaspoons ground flax seed 
  8 spirulina tablets
splash of water


Thursday, 11 October 2012

自制黄梨黑莓和香蕉芒果酵素 | DIY Pineapple Blackberries & Banana Mango Enzymes


Below are the recipes for pineapple blackberries (red)  and banana mango (yellow). Drinking these fruit enzymes help our bodies digest, absorb nutrients while delivering oxygen throughout the body, thereby providing energy and immune boost. 


 黄梨 1 颗 (去皮)   
黑莓 1 杯
柠檬 2 颗
冰糖 300g
蜜糖半瓶 300ml

 Ingredients 1:

pineapple (pre-peeled) 
1 cup blackberries 
2 lemons
300g rock sugar
300ml honey 


 青香蕉 2 条 (去皮)   
芒果 2 粒 (去皮)
无花果 半杯
柠檬 2 颗
冰糖 300g
蜜糖半瓶 300ml

 Ingredients 2:

2 green banana (pre-peeled)
2 mangoes  (pre-peeled)
1/2 cup dried figs
2 lemons
300g rock sugar
300ml honey 

  1. 把黄梨和柠檬先洗净涼乾刀、玻璃瓶及其他的工具,洗净然后用沸水杀菌 。
  2. 把黄梨剖开后切薄片,柠檬连皮切薄片。
  3. 先把柠檬鋪在玻璃瓶底層。
  4. 再铺上一层黄梨
  5. 再铺上一层黑莓。
  6. 再铺上一层柠檬。
  7. 再铺上一层冰糖。 
  8. 重复 (4) - (7)。 
  9. 再把野蜜倒入,不要太滿,留下 空間。 
  10. 把蓋子稍微蓋上, 不需太緊,讓酵素可透透氣。然后放在干燥和阴凉的地方。 
  11. 大概3星期后,如果味道甘香,没有黑色/绿色/褐色霉菌,就可以把渣濾掉,把酵素倒入干净的瓶子里。 
  12. 制好的酵素可放在冰箱里保鮮, 飲用时把3湯匙酵素加入1杯冷水。 
  13. 香蕉芒果酵素的做法跟以上一样,用香蕉、芒果、无花果取代黄梨和黑莓。


  1. Clean and dry all fruits, utensils and glass containers. 
  2. Use boiling water to sanitize utensils and glass containers. 
  3. Cut and slide all the fruits.
  4. Pace all the fruits and rock sugar into the bottle, in the following sequences: Lemon in the 1st layer, pineapple- 2nd layer, blackberries- 3rd layer, lemon again- 4th layer, rock sugar- 5th layer and so on.
  5. Top up the uppermost layer with honey before putting on the lid, leave some air space at the top.
  6. Leave it in a dry and cool place for 3 weeks fermentation.
  7. If black/greenish/brownish colour mould is seen, everything has to be disposed off.  
  8. Once the enzyme is ready, pour the liquid enzyme into a new storage bottle and keep it in the fridge. 
  9. Add 3 teaspoons of enzyme into a glass of water and drink it in the morning or before meal.
  10. For banana mango enzyme, repeat above steps and replace the fruits with green bananas, mangoes and dried figs. 
  11. Enjoy your fruit enzymes! =)

fermented pineapple blackberries enzyme

fermented banana mango enzyme


参考 References: 

1.  酵你酿健康 Health & Enzyme: here
2.  酵素与健康: here

慎重声明: 我不是医生也不是专业的营养师,我不对您的健康和您所自制的酵素负责。如果您有健康方面的问题,请向医生及专业营养师询问。

Disclaimer:  I am not a doctor or registered dietitian, I do not claim to cure any cause, condition or disease. Please consult your physician or dietitian regarding any health issues.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Frangipani flowers

Beautiful frangipani flowers, Chinese garden, Singapore.
